If you want to use these machines, I suggest saving up the money. Other draw machines can only be paid for with Crescents, but the weapons you may win are much more rare. They may put a Crescent weapon in the yellow ball occasionally but chances of winning a yellow ball with that specific weapon are very low. There's one draw machine that you can use regular in-game money for, but the machine doesn't normally give anything rare or even decent. There are also draw machines in the market. When the sale comes, I end up having maybe 1500c and I can go crazy in the shop. 10$ will get you 1000c, which, normally, would only get you 2 weapons at the most, so what I do is I occasionally pay 10$ and save up 1000 at a time. I don't mind buying Crescents, mainly because I really love playing around with the weapons. I suggest saving up your Crescents and waiting for those sales to come by, and you can get more for less. Occasionally, there is also a sale in the market where the Crescent weapons are 20 or 40 percent off. You can also earn Crescents other ways, like by signing in every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and earning them from special events and giveaways. One thing that you must understand, though, is that at least 90% of these weapons (mostly the OP ones) can only be bought with Crescents, which is game money that must be bought with real money.

The choices are also vast, ranging from swords to guns and many other wacky weapons that will make your fighter a huge badass. New weapons get added to the game frequently, so the arsenal seems endless. The weapons in the game have incredible designs. There are also clothes in the market that you can buy, as well. You can create your own skins or upload other people's skins to have your very own unique character. Now let's talk about some of the features to this game. All in all, for players who just want to win win win, this game is most certainly not for you, but for anyone who enjoys a unique experience and fun combat, then you'll love GetAmped 2. You may lose many, many matches when first starting, but you'll soon get the feel of the unique combat in the game. There is a practice mode for people to experiment with different moves and combos, but it's also best to experiment first-hand against other players.

Once you learn the moves and tricks of the combat mechanics, you can anticipate your next move and other player's moves, as well. This game has a huge strategy factor, pretty much like any other fighting game, but a bit more vital. You can have a newbie weapon and still be able to defeat players with overpowered weapons, but you just have to improve your skill on basic fighting. One thing that can turn people off when playing this game is the "pay to win" factor, but everything will mostly depend on your combat skill.